Certification is verification that a therapist has both the content knowledge and skill sets needed to safely and effectively use specific tools. These tools both aid in the athletes treatment and in broadening the therapist's perspective on how to meet the athlete's objective.

Strength and Conditioning Specialist, National Strength and Conditioning Association
Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
Sports Massage Specialist, National Certification Board Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
Orthopedic Massage: Injury Assessment and Treatment, The Muscular Therapy Institute, Dr. Ben Benjamin
Graston Technique, Certified Specialist, Graston Technique, LLC
Performance Enhancement Specialist, National Academy of Sports medicine, BOC
Corrective Exercise Specialist, National Academy of Sports Medicine, BOC
Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner, Kinesio Taping Association International